
Think of high school as six semesters rather than three years (each semester has up to four courses). Grade 10 students take a total of eight courses (40 credits). Be sure to explore the  wide range of CTS and options courses available at Bellerose. It is important to remember that in high school, you pass courses, not grade levels. 

To view each category of courses in depth, use the table of contents (on the right hand side) to expand the "Courses" section. 

Alberta Education Diploma Requirements

For detailed information regarding our subject areas, please click on a link below:


Credits (Minimum)

 Required Course (Minimum)

English Language Arts 15 ELA 30-1 or 30-2
Social Studies 15 Social 30-1 or 30-2 
Mathematics 10 Math 20-1 or 20-2 or 20-3
Science 10 Science 20 or 24 or Biology 20 or Chemistry 20 or Physics 20
Physical Education 3 Physical Education 10
Career & Life Management 3 CALM 20
Other 10 CTS, Fine ArtsSecond Languages, Phys Ed 20 and/or 30
Additional Grade 12 credits   10 30-level courses and/or CTS 3000-level courses (other than
ELA or Social); for example Dual Credit or Off-Campus Courses
Minimum of 100 Total Credits

Note: Students must be able to fulfill the Alberta diploma requirements, as above, to qualify for participation in Bellerose graduation activities. A high school diploma does not necessarily grant admission to post-secondary institutions.