Fine Arts classes at Bellerose give students the opportunity to develop their creative potential. Art, drama and music at the 30 level can be used for high school diploma requirements as well as university entrance. Fine Arts provides the essence of a comprehensive education. Enrich your life with a cultural education at Bellerose Composite High School.
Art 10, 20, 30, 31

5 credits per course
In these courses, basic drawing, painting and sculpture skills will be developed and used in large scale and fully-developed projects. Levels 20 and 30 expand the scope of art skills learned in Art 10 with opportunities for in-school and out-of-school installations. In-class and home projects are required with emphasis on original work. Students will specialize their skills with emphasis on portfolio production geared to education or employment in the arts. Art 31 is evaluated through projects and presentation of works. The student is required to fully develop their own creative style of art based on mediums of their choice.
Prerequisite: None for Art 10, then 50% or higher in previous Art courses. Fee: $50 per level
Concert Band

Previously Instrumental Music 10, 20, 30
5 credits per course
All students who have previous experience on brass, woodwind and percussion instruments, and those who have taken previous Band courses, are encouraged to enroll in this course. Repertoire will include marches, classical, soundtracks, folk, and modern music written for flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba. Students will work as a large group to improve their performance and sound as well as level-appropriate theory and history of western classical music.
Prerequisite: Band 9 for Grade 10 level, then 50% or higher in previous Band or Instrumental Music courses.
Previously Choral Music 10, 20, 30
5 credits per course
This course is for all singers looking to join a group of like-minded musicians in song. Repertoire will include folk music, spirituals, world music, modern and classic pop songs arranged for choir, and jazz. Music theory will be introduced from the beginning with the goal of being able to sight-sing music. Students will learn proper vocal technique for choral music, so beginners are welcome; all you need is a positive attitude and a love for singing.
Prerequisite: None for Grade 10 level, then 50% or higher in previous Choral Music or Choir courses.
Creative Music

Previously General Music 10/20/30
5 credits per course
This course is for musicians looking to push themselves creatively, and see what is possible if a little knowledge is applied to creating music. Students will play guitar or piano to learn about all the behind-the-scenes workings of music: notes, rhythms, chords, culture, meaning, and production all working together to make a song. Students in this class will form groups and go through all those steps to create original music. A little theory and a lot of creativity will find students with opportunities to write, perform, and record their own songs.
Prerequisite: None for Grade 10 level (experience on an instrument is an asset), then 50% or higher in previous General Music Courses.
Drama 10, 20, 30
5 credits per course
Drama 10 is an interactive class where the basics of speaking, movement, and improvisation are explored. This fun, but structured, course builds cooperation, problem solving, and communication skills. Drama 20 incorporates the skill areas introduced in Drama 10 and moves into acting, script writing, and technical theatre. In Drama 30, students work toward mastery of previous dramatic skills and also introduces directing.
Prerequisite: None for Drama 10; Drama 10 for Drama 20; Drama 20 for Drama 30.
Musical Theatre 15, 25, 35
5 credits per course
These courses are offered through on-stage participation in the school production and include after school, evening, and weekend rehearsals over the course of both semesters.
Prerequisite: None for Musical Theatre 15, then 50% or higher in previous Musical Theatre courses.
Please note: Registration occurs after the start of the school year in relation to the production. See Drama teacher for additional information.
Technical Theatre 15, 25, 35
5 credits per course
Technical Theatre explores all nine departments of theatrical production: lighting, sound, media, design, sets, props, costuming, front-of-house, and stage management. The class runs in conjunction with the school production and includes after school, evening, and weekend rehearsals over the course of both semesters.
Prerequisite: None for Technical Theatre 10, then 50% or higher in previous Technical Theatre courses.