In high school Math, there are three streams to consider: The -1 stream, the -2 stream, and the -3 stream. Please read the following flowchart carefully. Streams are described below.
The high school Math program is designed to prepare you to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, make connections between Math and its applications, and make informed decisions as a contributor to society. It is important to choose courses appropriate to your abilities, interests and future goals. Your previous Math mark will also help to indicate which courses are most appropriate for you.
In Math at Bellerose, there are three streams to consider. Please read the following flowchart carefully. We strongly recommend that a student has a mark of 65% or higher to continue in the -1 stream.

Math 10C Prep
5 credits in Math 10-3
This course is designed for students who have successfully passed Math 9 with a mark between 50-65% and who have intentions of carrying on to Math 10C. Math 10C prep is designed to help students improve their numeracy and mathematical reading and writing skills. A comprehensive review of concepts from junior high that directly apply to Math 10C as well as the Math 10-3 curriculum will be covered. The skills developed in this course will enable students to proceed to the next level of mathematics. In Grade 10, students will be registered in Math 10C Prep in semester 1 and Math 10C in semester 2.
Prerequisite: Recommend 50-65% in Math 9.
Math -1 Stream: Math 10C, 20-1, 30-1, 31
5 credits per course
This course sequence is designed for students that have a strong aptitude for Math and are able to handle sophisticated algebraic approaches to solving complex equations. The Math -1 Steam student exhibits the greatest amount of detailed thinking and willingness to try and try again. This course sequence provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills needed for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of Calculus, such as the Engineering, Science, Business faculties and some technical programs.
Prerequisite: Recommend 65% or higher in previous Math courses.
Math -2 Stream: Math 10C, 20-2, 30-2
5 credits per course
This course sequence is designed for students who have an aptitude for math and are able to handle algebraic approaches to solving mathematical equations while exhibiting a large amount of detailed thinking and the ability to apply logical thought to solve problems. In these courses, students will gain the skills needed for entry into post-secondary programs that do not require the study of Calculus, such as Nursing, Arts, Education (elementary), and many other technical programs.
Prerequisite: 50% or higher in previous Math courses.
Math -3 Stream: Math 10-3, 20-3, 30-3
5 credits per course
This course sequence provides a practical amount of complexity, rigour, and algebra skill needed for direct entry into the workforce or trades. It may also provide students a chance to upgrade their mathematical skills before entering the 10C, -1, or -2 sequences. Students completing this stream can register for many post-secondary programs that do not have math requirements.
Prerequisite: None. Recommended for students who did not pass Math 9.
Math -4 Stream (K&E): Math 10-4, 20-4
5 credits per course
The Math -4 stream prepares students to earn a senior high school credential, enter the workplace upon leaving school with employability and occupational skills that meet industry standards, make successful transitions to other courses or to further education and training, and become responsible and contributing members of society.
Placement in the K&E stream is a collaborative decision made by families and school teams.