
In high school mathematics, there are three streams to consider: The -1 stream, the -2 stream, and the -3 stream. Please read the following flowchart carefully. Further description is outlined below.

Bellerose Math Flowchart
2023/2024 Mathematics Flowchart

In the above diagram, the black arrows denote the typical pathways and preferred transfer points a student follows to progress from course level to course level and the dashed arrows denote potential transfer points. The course that a student takes after taking Math 10C Prep will be determined by the final grade received along with discussions with the course teacher.

For detailed course content in any of the courses listed below, please visit the Alberta education curricular website and follow the links. A PDF file is available for the 10-20-30 course of studies and for Math 31.


5 credits per course

This course sequence is designed for students that are prepared for the rigour and effort required for success. This type of student will have a strong aptitude for mathematics thus being able to handle sophisticated algebraic approaches to solving complex equations. The -1 mathematics student exhibits the greatest amount of detailed thinking and willingness to try and try again. This course sequence provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills needed for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of Calculus, such as the Engineering, Science and Business faculties. Some technical programs offered at NAIT require the -1 sequence of mathematics study.

The content covered for this course includes Absolute Value, Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Equations, Irrational Numbers, Lines and Line Segments, Linear Relations, Permutations, Combinations and The Binomial Theorem, SI and Imperial units of measure, Sine & Cosine Law, Surface Area and Volume of 3-D objects, Systems of Equations, Trigonometric Functions, Angles, Equations, and Identities, Transformations of Functions, and Polynomial, Quadratic, Radical, Rational and Reciprocal Functions and Equations. At the end of Math 30-1, students must write a provincial diploma examination.

Recommended prerequisite for -1 Math courses: 70% or higher in previous Math courses.

5 credits (toward Math 10-3)

This course is designed for students who have successfully passed Math 9 with a mark between 50-70% and who have full intention of carrying on to Math 10C. Math 10C prep is designed to help students improve their numeracy and mathematical reading and writing skills. This will be done by simultaneously covering the Math 10-3 curriculum as well as a comprehensive review of high priority concepts from junior high that directly apply to Math 10C and beyond.

It is our intention that the skill development that takes place in this course will enable students to proceed to the next level of mathematics and be successful. Students are encouraged to register for both Math 10C Prep and Math 10C in Grade 10, but may not have the same teacher for both courses.


Prerequisite for: an average of 50-70% in Math 9.

5 credits per course
This course sequence is designed:

  • to give students a chance to upgrade their mathematical skills before entering into the 10C, -1, -2 sequences, or
  • to provide a practical amount of complexity, rigour and algebra skill needed for direct entry into the workforce or trades.

Recommended prerequisite for -3 Math courses: averages of below 50% in previous Math courses.

This is a course within the IB programme

5 credits per course (for both Mathematics 10C and Mathematics 20-1)

These two courses are taken in the Grade 10 year. They are mainly preparatory for the rigour of Math 30-1 IB and Math 31 IB. Courses follow the Alberta curriculum, and move slightly faster than normal to accommodate an extra unit at the end of each course: Math 10Ci includes a unit on radicals; Math 20-1i includes a unit on statistics and probability.

Recommended prerequisite: honours in Grade 9 Math

5 credits per course

This course sequence is designed for students who are prepared to show effort and rigour required for success. This type of student will have an aptitude for mathematics thus being able to handle algebraic approaches to solving mathematical equations and the ability to apply logical thought to solve problems. The -2 mathematics student will exhibit a large amount of detailed thinking and willingness to try and try again. This course sequence is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills needed for entry into post-secondary programs that do not require the study of Calculus, such as the Nursing, Arts and Education (elementary) faculties, and many other technical programs at NAIT and McEwan University. At the end of Math 30-2, the students must write a provincial diploma examination.


Recommended prerequisite for -2 Math: 50%-70% in previous Math courses.

5 credits

Math 31 is the most advanced high school mathematics course and is designed for students who are presently taking or have completed Math 30-1. Math 31 emphasizes the practical and theoretical aspects of differential and integral calculus.Students do not write a Provincial Diploma Exam at the completion of this course.
Math 31 is required for admission into the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science (Honours and Specialization Math or Physics), and strongly recommended before entering a Faculty whose program contains an introductory Calculus course.

Prerequisite: 65% or higher in Math 20-1. Recommended prerequisite: 65% or higher in Math 30-1

This is a course within the IB programme

5 credits per course (for both Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31)

Both of these courses are full-year, where students attend class every second day. For Math SL Year 1, the regular Alberta curriculum for Math 30-1 is covered, as well as a unit on probability distributions. Students will begin a mathematical rxploration, a research-type project where students pick a topic of interest, explore it and write about the mathematics of the topic. Students in Math SL Year 1 will write the Math 30-1 Alberta provincial diploma exam in June. In Math SL Year 2, the Alberta curriculum is covered as well as a unit on vectors. Once vectors are completed, preparation intensifies for the IB exams in May, and the mathematical exploration research project is completed.

Prerequisite: Math 20i for Math SL Year 1; Math SL Year 1 for Math SL Year 2