Bellerose offers several options courses, allowing students to explore specific programs and specialized skills.
All courses are offered subject to enrollment and availability
10/20 - 6 credits (3 per course), 30 - 5 credits
These courses focus on the diverse nature of Aboriginal languages and cultures. Aboriginal Studies 10/20 explores the perspectives and worldviews of Aboriginal peoples. It includes the study of the traditions and history of Aboriginal peoples in Canada and the study of policies, legislation, conflict, and cultural change. Aboriginal Studies 30 promotes the development of positive attitudes towards Indigenous peoples. The course explores multiple perspectives that shed light on the past, present, and future of Indigenous peoples. For all students, these programs can serve to build awareness of and respect for the histories, cultures, and contributions of Indigenous peoples as a unique foundation to our society.
Prerequisite: None for 10/20, then 50% or higher in Aboriginal Studies 10/20 for 30
6 credits (3 per course)
Astronomy is a course designed to give students an opportunity to develop an appreciation for the vastness of space. Through the use of hands-on activities, first-hand observations with astronomical tools (telescopes), demonstrations, and simulations, students will learn about the constantly changing sky above them. A knowledge of the historical models of astronomy and cosmology will be developed along with current knowledge about the position and motion of celestial objects. Throughout the program, students will enhance their scientific literacy and numeracy, along with problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Prerequisite: 50% or higher in Science 10.
5 credits per course
This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Grade 9 French. The language is taught through an action-oriented approach in a cultural context. Topics include: activities, shopping, vacations, and fine arts. In French 20, language skills are enhanced with advanced activities. The emphasis of French 30 is on increased ability to understand and speak French, as well as read and write with accuracy through structured and free composition. Aspects of the Francophone world will be studied through literary extracts, music and film.
Prerequisite: None for French 10, then 50% or higher in previous French courses.
French Challenge: Students from a Francophone or Grade 9 French Immersion background may wish to demonstrate their competency at French 10, 20 and/or 30 by challenging the corresponding exam. The opportunity to challenge happens once per semester, and students may challenge one level at a time. After meeting with the teacher in November or May, students will prepare and submit a portfolio, and then take a four-part exam the following January or June. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are tested. A student may not challenge a course that they have been registered in during the current semester.

5 credits
Video games and Esports are a globally entrenched entertainment medium that are influenced and defined by our modern culture. In this course, students will learn about the history of video games, theories of game development, the social and cultural aspects of video games, and about the rapidly growing Esports industry. As part of this course, students will have the opportunity to game in a competitive environment.
Prerequisite: None
5 Credits
Building wealth starts with understanding money and managing it correctly. In this one-of-a-kind course, exclusive to Bellerose, we will dive into the world of taxes, money management, and financial planning. We will answer: How do I complete my taxes? What are some easy money saving strategies? What is the stock market and how do I invest in it? What is a TFSA and RRSP savings account and when should I open them? What is an investment portfolio and how do I create a balanced one? These questions, and many more, will be discussed.
Prerequisite: Recommend 50% or higher in Mathematics 10C or 10-3.
6 credits (3 Philosophy, 3 Debate)
This course is designed to help you understand how we think and why we act the way we do, and then to discuss and debate our findings. It will help you with listening skills, speaking skills, persuasion skills, research skills, and metacognitive skills (thinking about thinking). It will challenge you to question the nature of reality, reasoning, politics and ethics, but also music, sports, media and pop culture - it’s all on the table to discuss and turn into a debate. In a world that seems determined to divide itself into entrenched ideologies, developing the ability to entertain and understand an idea without accepting it seems incredibly valuable and incredibly necessary.
Prerequisite: 50% or higher in English 10-1 or English 10-2.
5 credits
Spanish 10 is for students who would like to learn Spanish with no previous experience. The focus is on learning to speak in realistic situations about people, school, activities, and celebrations. Students of Spanish 20 focus on improving their listening, speaking and writing, focusing on foods, travel, shopping, and health. Advanced grammar and verb structures are learned while studying the cultures of Spain and Latin America. Spanish 30 offers an in-depth look into Spanish-speaking cultures by studying aspects of the arts, music, technology, and entertainment.
Prerequisite: None for Spanish 10, then 50% or higher in previous Spanish courses.